The Collection of Impressive and Attractive Birthday Toasts for a Wonderful Birthday Party


Birthday! It happens just once a year, so people are always looking forward to it. As birthday is the time to blow off the candles, to receive lovely gift, and especially have a warm party with family and friends. During a birthday celebration we all love hearing the great birthday toasts. The birthday toasts can lighten the happy atmosphere of the birthday party. So if you are looking for some great birthday toasts, you can check out the collection of impressive and attractive birthday toasts that is presented on our page.
• May you keep a little of the fuel of youth to warm your body, steer your heart and drive your dreams in old age. Happy birthday!
• May you live as long as you want and may you get everything you want as long as you live. Here’s to your birthday and a long life!
• Happy birthday. May you always remember to gauge your age by how you live your life, not how many years you’ve lived.
• Happy birthday! May you live a long, long life. Our world has all too few angels and heaven all too many.
• If I have one wish for you on this special day, it would be this: May the greatest moments of your bygone days be the worst of your days yet to come. Happy birthday!The Collection of Impressive and Attractive Birthday Toasts for a Wonderful Birthday Party 1
• The next time you become too serious about getting older, remember that life is much too short and way too important to take seriously. Happy birthday!
• May trouble shadow you the rest of your days, but never cast a shadow over you. Have a wonderful birthday!
• Here’s to your destiny. May yours allow you to live a wonderful life of your own making. Happy birthday!
• Here’s a toast to your coffin. May it be made from the finest of a 100-year-old oak tree. And may we plant this very tree together…tomorrow. Happy birthday! To your long life!
• Today is the beginning of another year-long journey around the sun for you. Enjoy every day of the trip, especially the first one…your birthday!The Collection of Impressive and Attractive Birthday Toasts for a Wonderful Birthday Party 2
• Happy birthday! Here’s to a birthday bash we won’t be able to remember tomorrow morning with friends who won’t let us forget tonight’s stupidity for years to come.
• The other day, I walked into a museum and everywhere were old relics that date back to the dawn of time. It made me think of you. Happy birthday!
• Happy birthday! There, I said it. Yes, you and I are getting older. Sure, we get more wrinkles every day. But things could be a lot worse. We could be dead or, heaven forbid, teenagers.
• Here’s to growing older gracefully. Sure, you’re not a young buck anymore, but you’re nowhere near grumpy, old farthood either. So have a great birthday!
• Good friends are hard to come by. You are worth more than you can ever imagine to me. Happy birthday!The Collection of Impressive and Attractive Birthday Toasts for a Wonderful Birthday Party 3
• May heaven smile upon you today! May all the angels stop to cheer your achievements! Happy birthday!
• They say that everyone needs pillars to survive. I found one great foundation in your friendship. Happy birthday!
• As you turn another year older, take comfort in the fact that there is no such thing as going downhill for overachievers like you. Instead, look forward to conquering the next level, whatever that may be. In the game of life, you are a winner. Happy birthday!
• This will be a very short toast. With all the candles on your birthday cake, I’m afraid it may be too late to call the fire department if my toast goes over even a few seconds. So, I want to wish you a very fast, very happy birthday. Cheers!
• This should be a day of celebration. Things could always be worse, much worse. Look at it this way, a decade from today you will be a decade older. Happy birthday!
We hope that the collection of impressive and attractive birthday toasts can handy for you. It can help you bring happiness to everyone and create an interesting and happy atmosphere at the party. Thanks for visiting our page and have nice day!
