Funny and Lovely Birthday Poems to Help You Say Happy Birthday in a Special Way


Are you celebrating someone’s birthday this month? And you don’t want to wish them a happy birthday by a normal way, so you want to find something special to write for them. Then you can choose one of our funny and lovely birthday poems here. You are welcome to share these funny and lovely birthday poems with everyone in your life. We Hope that these funny and lovely birthday poems will bring more laughter and smiles to all your birthday celebrations.

Poem 1
Have fun! and just Laugh!
Tomorrow is still a mystery.
Yesterday is already history.
And today it is your BIRTHDAY!funny-and-lovely-birthday-poems-to-help-you-say-happy-birthday-in-a-special-way-1
Poem 2


Comes around just once each year,
Creates a stunning atmosphere.
A heated party, beginning till end,
The place to be is Disneyland.

Enjoyment and smiles, plentiful and ripe,
Abundant activities, deserving the hype.
Waters edges, they all seem to swarm,
Sandy days, with Sunny and Warm.

Summers birthday, they all wish to join,
She barbeques delicious sirloin.
Do not upset her, she’ll send in the rain,
Random weather cannot explain.

Ageless wonder, since birth we have known,
Temperature rising, statistics have shown.
Share your birthday with Summer our dear,
Through thoughtful actions protect our blue sphere.

By Martin Dejnickifunny-and-lovely-birthday-poems-to-help-you-say-happy-birthday-in-a-special-way-2

Poem 3
This is a very special day
Your friendship has filled my life far beyond what words can say
I give thanks to the Lord for sending you my way
That’s why we celebrate today
Happy Birthday!

Poem 4

Can’t Remember

I wish you something, just can’t remember,
Don’t be upset, you’re my family member.
It was clearly, on my mind,
With so many thoughts, it’s hard to find.

Maybe it’s simply not that essential,
Please lose that frown, you have so much potential.
On second thought, it might be coming back to me,
Now I know, why those brain pills were free.

Visions appear of colorful balloons,
In the background, I hear those fine tunes.
Near the end of the dream, I can taste a delicious cake,
It must be your birthday, as I awake.

By Martin Dejnickifunny-and-lovely-birthday-poems-to-help-you-say-happy-birthday-in-a-special-way-3
Poem 5
Men are just like chocolates
Us girls know that is true
Found in bars they don’t last long
Enough to satisfy you
And on that thought
Happy Birthday
Poem 6
Remember the city,
Remember the town,
Remember the s/he who ruined your birthday card.
By writing inside upside down!
We hope that these funny and lovely birthday poems can be handy for you. Feel free to enjoy and share these birthday poems to your brothers, sisters, friends, or your colleague… Thanks for visiting our page and have a nice day!
